



Install it from PyPi:

pip install emencia-django-forum

Add it to your installed apps in settings:


Add its settings (in your project settings):

from forum.settings import *

(Also you can override some of its settings, see forum.settings for more details).

Then register autobreadcrumbs context processor in settings:


Finally mount its urls and add the autobreadcrumbs autodiscover in your main

import autobreadcrumbs

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^forum/', include('forum.urls', namespace='forum')),

About autobreadcrumbs

autobreadcrumbs automatically build the bread crumbs from the current page path.

If you don’t want to use it, you have two choices:

  • Simply ignore it, it will be used for automatic page titles but just override forum’s base template to remove it;
  • If you don’t install it, you will have to remove it from your settings and urls, then overrides all forum’s template that use its tags;

Text markup

Default behavior configured in settings is to not use any Markup syntax usage.

But if you want you can configure some settings to use a Markup syntax renderer and a form field to use a specific editor.

This can be done with the following settings:

# Text markup renderer
FORUM_TEXT_MARKUP_RENDER = None # Default, no renderer

# Field helper for text in forms
FORUM_TEXT_FIELD_HELPER_PATH = None # Default, just a CharField

# Template to init some Javascript for text in forms
FORUM_TEXT_FIELD_JS_TEMPLATE = None # Default, no JS template

# Validator helper for Post.text in forms
FORUM_TEXT_VALIDATOR_HELPER_PATH = None # Default, no markup validation

They are the default values in the forum settings.



a function that will be used to define a form field to use for text.

Signature is get_text_field(form_instance, **kwargs) where:

  • form_instance is the Form instance where it will be used from;
  • kwargs is a dict containing all default named arguments to give to the field. These default arguments are label for the field label name and required that is True (you should never change this);

This should return an instanciated form field that must act as a CharField.


A function that will be used to clean value on the form field text;

Signature is clean_restructuredtext(form_instance, content) where:

  • form_instance is the Form instance where it will be used from;
  • content is the value to validate;

Act like a Django form field cleaner method, this should return the cleaned value and eventually raise a validation error if needed.


A template to include to render text value with some markup syntax. It will have access to the page context with an additional value named content that will be the text to render;


A template to include with forms when your custom form field require some Javascript to initialize it. It will have access to page context with an additional value named field that will be the targeted form field;

All these settings are only used with forms and template managing forum.models.Post.text and forum.models.Category.description models attributes.


There are the settings to use the shipped Markup syntax renderer and editor, disabled by default but that you can easily enable in your settings:

# Field helper for text in forms
FORUM_TEXT_FIELD_HELPER_PATH = "forum.markup.get_text_field" # Use DjangoCodeMirror

# Validator helper for Post.text in forms
FORUM_TEXT_VALIDATOR_HELPER_PATH = "forum.markup.clean_restructuredtext" # Validation for RST syntax (with Rstview)

# Template to init some Javascript for text in forms
FORUM_TEXT_FIELD_JS_TEMPLATE = "forum/markup/_text_field_djangocodemirror_js.html" # Use DjangoCodeMirror

# Text markup renderer
FORUM_TEXT_MARKUP_RENDER_TEMPLATE = "forum/markup/_text_markup_render.html" # Use Rstview renderer

Read their source code to see how they work in detail.


Before enabling these settings you must install rstview and Django-CodeMirror, see optional requirements to have the right versions to install.

Author informations

In thread’s post list, the default behavior for each post is to display the author’s username but if you want you can display what you want using an included template.

This app ships a template to enabled you to display the Gravatar from the author’s email and its username below.

To use it, just add this setting to your settings file:

# Template to display author infos in thread's post list
FORUM_AUTHOR_VCARD_TEMPLATE = "forum/author/_vcard.html" # Use Gravatar


Before enabling these settings you must install django-gravatar2, see optional requirements to have the right versions to install.